2018 College of Science Faculty and Staff Awards Program

Dean Wolfe and Dr. Stephen Konieczny presented the following awards at the 2018 Faculty and Staff Recognition Luncheon:
Andrea Kasinski, Assistant Professor, Team Award
Alexander Chubykin, Assistant Professor, Team Award
Rex Fodrea, Director of Biology Counseling, Undergraduate Advising Award
Lynette Jacobs, Account Assistant, Customer Service Award
Gabriela Sincich-Sosa, Visual Communications Developer, Engagement Award
Roger Mahrling, Academic IT Specialist, Professional Achievement Award
Christie Sahley, Associate Head/Professor Biological Sciences, Leadership Award
Arleen Mullikin, Former Undergraduate Secretary, Customer Service Award
Years of Service Awards:
30 Years - John Bowman, Mark Browning and Timothy Strong
25 Years - Stanislav Zakharov
20 Years - Brent Branstetter
15 Years - Keith Lank, Christine Richter and Steven Wilson
10 Years - Karen Wiggins
Congratulations to all the award winners and those who were recognized for their years of service!